Ten Early Signs of Spring
February 10, 2017|Posted in: Holidays and Seasons, Uncategorized

10 Early Signs of Spring
Believe it or not, Spring is right around the corner. Last week the groundhog predicted six more weeks of Winter – oh dread! But hey, six weeks isn’t that long! We can do this! We’re going to make it! We’ve got this!
While you anxiously await the arrival of Spring, watch for these early signs that’ll remind you it will be here very soon!
1. Longer Days
The days are getting longer. Sunset seems like it comes right after lunch in the dead of winter. I ran an errand after dinner the other day and it was still light outside. I love the longer days and extended hours of daylight that Spring brings.
2. Rising Temperatures
The frigid dark days of winter are giving way to the warmer days of the approaching spring. Piles of snow begin to melt and shrink and finally disappear. It’s nice to forget the heavy coats, boots, hats, scarfs and mittens and be able to venture out more freely in just a light jacket.
3. Buds on Trees
Look carefully at the tree branches and you’ll see tiny buds where leaves and flowers will soon emerge. There’s nothing more beautiful than a tree in full bloom in the Springtime!
4. Sprouts of Early Flowers
One of my very favorite early Spring signs is when the first green sprouts of crocus, daffodils and tulips poke up their tiny heads from the soil. Every year around mid February I stop to examine my flower garden and I’m always delighted by the sight of them.
5. Birds – Singing, Nest Building, Appearance of Migratory Birds
We humans aren’t the only creatures anxiously awaiting the arrival of Spring. The birds get pretty boisterous about their excitement. You can hear them chirping, particularly on sunny days. You might also observe them building nests in anticipation of laying eggs soon. The sighting of migratory birds returning is also a sure sign Spring is near!
6. Windy Days
Windy days are not my favorite. I feel like they are teasing me, saying, “nice weather is coming, just not today!” But they do mean that Spring is blowing our way so I do my best to cheerfully put up with them.
7. Rainy Days
I find rainy days more to my liking. It’s relaxing to watch and to listen to the rhythmic drip, dripping of a rainstorm. Puddles are fun to splash in, especially for grandbabies. And the showers water and encourage the new Spring growth.
8. Baby Animals
An especially fun thing that happens in Springtime is the birth of lots of baby animals. If you’re able to drive through the country, look in fields and pastures for calves, colts and lambs. We have a city park with ducks, swans and geese where we like to go to see the hatchlings every year.

Bug in Springtims
9. Insects
Warmer temperatures and sunshine wakes up the insects. My 2 ½ year-old grandson and I found a big stink bug yesterday. It looked as though he had decided it wasn’t quite warm enough to have ventured out afterall, because he was moving rather slowly. G4 and I gave him a soft touch on the back. It’s so much fun to watch toddlers rediscover bugs in the Springtime!
10. Blossoms
The beautiful blossoms of flowers and trees are a sure sign that Spring has arrived! The crocus with their pine needle “leaves” are one of the first plants to bloom. Their welcome appearance Joyfully heralds in a whole host of other beautiful flowers until Spring is blossoming everywhere!
Oh Springtime, please hurry!!
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