Viewing: Thanksgiving
November 22, 2017

For These Things, I am Truly Grateful ~ 2017!
Truly Grateful! Many people use the month of November to post each day something they are thankful for. My “thankful” list could be broken down to cover the 30 days of November and then some! On top of that, I have multitude of blessing that I’m sure aren’t covered here, though I did try to make my categories broad enough to cover almost everything. So here it is – My annual Thankful List, with a few minor tweeks, just as relevant today…
Posted in Holidays and Seasons, Uncategorized | By LoriGraceH
December 16, 2016

Holiday Pumpkin Roll
This Holiday Pumpkin Roll is a yummy treat that makes a perfect addition to all your festivities! Here’s What You’ll Need: For the Cake ¾ Cups of All-purpose Flour ¼ Cup Powdered Sugar 1 Cup Granulated Sugar 3 Large Eggs 2/3 Cups of Pumpkin Puree ½ tsp Baking Powder ½ tsp Baking Soda ½ tsp Cinnamon ½ tsp Ground Cloves ¼ tsp Salt For the Filling 1 – 8 oz Package of Cream Cheese 1 Cup Powdered Sugar 6 Tbsp…
Posted in Holidays and Seasons, Let's Eat! | By LoriGraceH
November 24, 2016
November 22, 2016

For These Things, I am Truly Grateful!
Many people use the month of November to post each day something they are thankful for. My “thankful” list could be broken down to cover the 30 days of November and then some! On top of that, I have multitude of blessing that I’m sure aren’t covered here, though I did try to make my categories broad enough to cover almost everything. So here it is – My annual Thankful List, with a few minor tweeks, just as relevant today as it…
Posted in Choosing Happiness, Family and Relationships | By LoriGraceH
November 16, 2016

How to Write a Thanksgiving Prayer
Thanksgiving Day is a time to reflect with gratitude upon all of our many blessings.. We can do that privately in our own hearts and minds. We can do it together as a group by sharing our blessings with one another. Traditionally though, Thanksgiving has been a time to offer a prayer of thanksgiving. In my life I’ve known countless good people, some of whom could comfortably offer up a prayer with ease and eloquence and many others who, though…
Posted in Holidays and Seasons | By LoriGraceH
November 14, 2016

Pilgrims and Native Americans Coloring Page
Here are some friendly Pilgrims and Native Americans to help you celebrate Thanksgiving.! This is a free downloadable coloring page for you and your little ones to enjoy!! If you’d like more coloring pages like this, subscribe to the Love My Big Happy Family newssletter!! You can get your subscribtion to the newsletter in the sidebar to the right! -> Thanksgiving Coloring Page! Get your Pilgrims and Native Americans Coloring Page Here! Please like & share:
Posted in Coloring Pages, Happy, Healthy, Smart Kids! | By LoriGraceH
November 10, 2016

Make Your Own Thanksgiving Village!
This is a super fun craft activity for kids! It features a colonial cabin, a teepee, a pumpkin, a turkey and a set of pilgrims and native Americans. Just print out the pieces on cardstock and then use crayons, markers or colored pencils to decorate them. They’re easy to assemble using a glue stick or tape. You can play with your Thanksgiving Village or use it as a fun holiday display or decoration! You can purchase the printable for just…
Posted in Holidays and Seasons | By LoriGraceH
November 7, 2016

Thanksgiving Coloring Page – Turkey
Here is a Happy Turkey to help you celebrate Thanksgiving.! This is a free downloadable coloring page for you and your little ones to enjoy!! If you’d like more coloring pages like this, subscribe to the Love My Big Happy Family newssletter!! You can get your subscribtion to the newsletter in the sidebar to the right! -> Thanksgiving Coloring Page! Get your Happy Thanksgiving Turkey Coloring Page Here! Please like & share:
Posted in Coloring Pages, Happy, Healthy, Smart Kids! | By LoriGraceH
November 26, 2015
November 18, 2015

Blessed Beyond Measure
Please like & share:
Posted in Choosing Happiness, Holidays and Seasons | By LoriGraceH
November 17, 2015

Mama’s Cranberry Apple Salad
My Mama used to make an especially yummy Apple Cranberry Salad every year for Thanksgiving. I’ve never seen or tasted anything else like it. It goes wonderfully with turkey or on a turkey sandwich. If you’re making a small batch it is fairly simple to make. If you tripple, quadruple or sixtuple – I don’t thing that’s a real word ;0) – it like we do, it can be a bit time consuming to cut and peel the apples and…
Posted in Holidays and Seasons, Let's Eat!, Uncategorized | By LoriGraceH
November 9, 2015

For These Things, I am Truly Grateful
Grateful! In August of 2014, I believe it was my niece that sent me a challenge on Facebook, to post something I was thankful for each day, every day, for a week. I found it impossible to narrow my list down to just seven things. So I broke each day into three sections, but actually each of those sections could be broken down several times over. Many people use the month of November to post each day something they are…
Posted in Choosing Happiness, Holidays and Seasons | By LoriGraceH
November 6, 2015

Paper Bag Turkey
The kids will love this fun Paper Bag Turkey! It’s a perfect Thanksgiving craft for the little ones. You will receive it free as my thank you gift when you subscribe to the Love My Big Happy Family. Plus you’ll get the monthly newsletter with info on all kinds of fun and exciting things you can find right here on the LMBHF website. LMBHG is an Online Lifestyle Magazine for families – Yours, Mine and Everyone Else’s! Featuring Crafts, Recipes, Home…
Posted in Crafter's Corner, Happy, Healthy, Smart Kids!, Holidays and Seasons | By LoriGraceH
November 4, 2015