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Revealing the Harvest – 2015!

November 3, 2015|Posted in: Welcome to My Garden!

This is my very first annual post to reveal the harvest for the year from my garden!  I have visions of grandeur that next year I will cover the garden with a weed barrier, cover that with decorative mulch, build some raised beds, fill them with clean (weed free!) dirt, religiously water and fertilize it and grow a spectacular garden that will yield an incredible, amazing, bountiful harvest.  Stay tuned for my second annual “Revealing the Harvest” post in the fall of 2016 to find out if my dreams really do come true!

In the meantime – drum roll please! . . . Here is our very modest, yet still fairly satisfying, harvest for 2015.

1.  Cucumbers!  These were something new this year and we grew a ton of them.  We ate quite a few, but next year we’ll do better and use them in lots of yummy summer salads.


2.  Cantaloupe!  We had a lot of these and they were so sweet!  Oh so much better than store bought!!


3.  Tomatoes!  Lots and lots of tomatoes, Early Girl and Roma varieties.  My daughter made fr

esh salsa with these!!


4.  Peppers!  These also go into the fresh salsa!


5.  Some funky, misshapen carrots!  But we ate them anyway!


6.  Pumpkins!  An annual favorite for all of our fall holiday, baking, carving, and decorating needs!


7.  Raspberries!  Another eating favorite that tastes so much better than store bought!


8.  Sunflower Seeds!  Fun to roast and eat!!

Sunflower Seeds

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