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The Egg McMuffin from Heaven??

November 10, 2015|Posted in: Holidays and Seasons

Egg McMuffin from Heaven??

Egg McMuffin from Heaven??

People talk about signs from Heaven all the time – pennies that show up unexpectedly in your pathway, rainbows in the sky, a ladybug that lands next to you when you’re sitting outside.

The signs are usually something pretty, or shiny or symbolic of good and happy things (not Egg McMuffins).  If you’re like me, you like to believe they really are signs from Heaven, but once in awhile you have a little twinge of doubt.  Well the morning that the Egg McMuffin showed up it was pretty hard to interpret it as anything other than a sign straight from Heaven. Let me tell you the amusing little story of how it happened.

Now I do like Egg McMuffins. But I am not crazy-head-over-hills, in love with them. If we’re out and thinking of grabbing a quick breakfast they might come to my mind as a good choice, but I never recall having what would qualify as an actual craving for one before this particular morning.

On that particular morning I woke up thinking, “I would really like an Egg McMuffin for breakfast today.”  I work from home and the students I teach and the toddlers I care for would be arriving shortly so I wouldn’t have time to run and get one. So my next thought was, “I sure wish someone would bring me one!”

Well, it was my hubby’s day off and he was sleeping in.  It would be inconsiderate of me to ask him. My daughter would be by soon to drop off her little one before she rushed off to work and my other daughter was hurrying to get ready for her college classes. They were both too busy to ask for such a favor.  So I pushed the notion away without mentioning it to anyone. Maybe, I’d have a piece of toast after a bit. So I went about my morning, preparing for things the kids and I would do that day and didn’t think about it again.

An hour and a half or so later, my phone rang. It was the parent of my 8th grade student, “Mrs. W”. She said, “I have a question for you.  Would you like an Egg McMuffin?”  And I thought “What??”  Now this is a dear family, good people, but our relationship is more what I’d call professional than really casual.  She said, “We just went through the drive through and they gave us an extra one. My daughter wanted to eat it, but I told her no. So if you want it, I’ll have her bring it in to you when I drop her off.”  Now, I’m just a bit socially impaired so maybe that’s why, but I don’t think I’d ever call someone to ask that question unless our relationship was very close and very casual (not that there’s a single thing wrong with doing that – but I just wouldn’t).

So I thought, “That’s so totally unexpected – who does that??”  Don’t get me wrong, it was a very nice gesture and I appreciated it, but it was certainly unusual, unexpected and out of the ordinary.  And . . . there was absolutely no way she could have known that I wanted one that very morning.  I hadn’t mentioned it to anyone at all!

Surprised, astounded and in disbelief I immediately shared the unexpected happening with my husband and my daughters.  I told them,  “I woke up and thought I wish I had an Egg McMuffin – and I wished someone would bring me one!!!  But, I told no one, no one at all – and then she called and said she was bringing me an Egg McMuffin!!!  There’s no way that could be a coincidence!!!  How could that have happened??!!”

Utterly amazed I thought about it all morning trying to figure out how that could have happened, I finally unable to come up with any other possible explanation, I concluded it had to have been someone up above sending me the not too subtle message that they are there, and know and care what I want!

So, what do you think?  Am I crazy to think that I received an Egg McMuffin *from Heaven?


(*and from Mrs. W.  I can’t forget to remember her part in this amazing little tale!)

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  1. Jaime Blunier
    November 10, 2015

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    I love this story! No you are not crazy! That was a sign from God that you are important to Him and no request is to silly or small for Him to fulfill. It also shows you must have great favor in His eyes! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Zan
    November 11, 2015

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    Ha ha funny! But yes, it is amazing how God works beyond what we could ever imagine – and to use that lady? Wow!

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