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Stop Annoying Posts! – Part Two

May 7, 2015|Posted in: Family and Relationships

Annoying Posts Part Two

Are You Tolerant of the Posts of Others?


A lot of people out there in “Social Media Land” get annoyed with the posts of other people.  I know, ‘cause they write annoying posts about how they are annoyed!  I consider myself to be a tolerant person and therefore I try to react positively to the things other people post.
These are some things to think about and remember when you come across that next annoying post.  This is Part Two of the original Stop Annoying Posts. I came across a few types that I didn’t include in that first article. You can read the first list here at: Stop Annoying Posts (Part One)


Here are five more types of annoying posts:


  1. TMI Posts

That post about the oozing bump on a friend’s back, or the one describing their toddler’s potty training accident in detail, or the video of their bleeding wound, well… at least these posts remind me that I’m not the only one that has to deal with these kinds of nasty little parts of life.  I guess if I really care about my friends then I care about these things.  But honestly, I really don’t need that much information!!


  1. Photos of People’s Pets, Kids (thousands of them!) and Meals

Honestly, I love animals, kids and food!  I can’t get enough of any of them.  (Ok, I do get more than enough food.  But nobody’s perfect, right?).  These kinds of posts don’t bother me at all!


  1. Repost if You Believe & Repost or You’ll be Doomed

The post that tells me I must repost if I believe (insert random happy thought) – well… it lets me know that my friend is passionate and cares  about something, and that’s a good thing.  But hey friend, please let me choose how I share and express my own passions.  And the post that tells me if I don’t repost it I’ll be doomed to some unfortunate circumstance or miss out on some type of good consequence – again they remind me that my friend is passionate and cares  about something, and that’s a good thing.  But the rest of that doom and gloom stuff – it’s just not true!


  1. Respond if You Care

Those posts lamenting that a friend isn’t appreciated or cared about, or that nobody reads their posts, they remind me that all people want love and attention, although sometimes they seek it in inappropriate ways. I don’t respond, but I usually try to send an independent post or message to them that shares a little love or shows interest.


  1. Vague Posts

Mysterious posts that only give a tiny bit of information and leave you terribly curious as to what the whole story is. They say things like, “feeling heart broken,” or “angry,” or “thrilled,” or “excited.”  These posts – well – they just annoy me!!  If you want me to know what you’re talking about – then tell me!  Don’t try to goad me into asking.


Probably, these posts are just another indication that all people want love and attention, and that is understandable.  But come on people, if you’re not going to tell me what you’re talking about, I’m going to assume it is none of my business!


I guess we all struggle with intolerance from time to time.  But still… THE ONE THING I REALLY CANNOT TOLERATE IS INTOLERANCE!!!


Read Stop Annoying Posts Part One













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  1. Ashlyn
    May 7, 2015

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    Video of their bleeding wound?! LMAOOO!! Glad I’ve never seen any of those! This was awesome. I read Part 1 also and those damn game requests are annoying as hell!!

    Thanks for sharing. This was definitely what I needed to read today.

  2. Jessica
    May 8, 2015

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    Seriously, “vague booking” is probably my biggest pet peeve. If you want people to know, then tell the whole world. If you want to keep it a secret, then just shut yer mouth. LOL!

    • LoriGraceH
      May 12, 2015

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      Jessica, that’s exactly right!!

  3. Tammy
    May 8, 2015

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    All are true! The “vague post” is the one that drives me the most crazy! Posts that try to get people to ask what is wrong is an awful tactic. Just say what is wrong and people will jump in with support!

    • LoriGraceH
      May 12, 2015

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      Tammy, that’s a much better way to get the support you deserve!

  4. Heather @ The Nerdy Fox
    May 8, 2015

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    I hate vague posts. Either tell me or don’t!!

  5. Sue
    May 10, 2015

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    I see a lot of those respond if you care type ones or I know no one reads this if you do say hi or something

    those are kind of annoying lol

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