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Help, I’m Overwhelmed!

March 2, 2015|Posted in: Uncategorized

Dirty LaundryHelp, I’m Overwhelmed!

So…I launched my blog, got sick, my work piled up and I got overwhelmed!  So…I haven’t published a thing in two weeks!!  (Yes, that is actually my dirty laundry that sits in my laundry basket at this very moment!  Can you believe I shamelessly (well not at all shamelessly) published such a thing for all the world to see?  Me neither!)

This is all very mind-blowing and to be honest I am just a little bit (ok, maybe a lot) afraid!  I have a full time job as the administrator/teacher/caregiver at Wasatch Intermountain Academy.  Plus I am the Operations Manager and Chief Cook & Bottle Washer of the “Smillostinger” family.  I am attempting to completely reinvent my career while maintaining all of my other responsibilities.

Once I get this blog thing going I will phase out most of my responsibilities with Wasatch Intermountain Academy and there will no longer be the pitter-patter of little (student) feet in my home (grandchildren feet will continue to pitter-patter!). I will cry and cheer simultaneously when that day comes!

I have been working off and on to get analytics installed on my page so that I can actually see how many visitors my page gets.  I have chatted and tweeted with many techies, all of whom, I think, were too smart to answer my question or they assumed I am smarter (in a techie way, than I actually am). Nevertheless, I persisted and finally stumbled upon the fact that all I needed to do was answer a few simple questions and I would then receive a code that I could enter and . . . “wa-la!” the analytics program quickly installed!

I also cleaned and organized my office yesterday, so I am up and ready to get this thing going!  (The laundry is next, but I’m not going to let that stop me from blogging).  So Friends, if you have a task that you’ve been wanting to accomplish, don’t give up.  Be persistent and take it one step at a time and you’ll be surprised when you turn around and see how far you’ve come!

Now, for an actual new post!  I can’t wait to see how many people I can get to visit my page this week!!  (Excited Squeel!!)

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