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Viewing: April, 2015

Apr 30

April 30, 2015

Bloglovin Verification

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Apr 28

April 28, 2015

Mother/Daughter “In-Law” Relationships

In-Laws We all know the relationship between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law can be a precarious one. There are a plethora of jokes about meddling mothers-in-law.  If we’re honest, almost all of us will admit to laughing at a few of those jokes!  Being both a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law, I’ve experienced and considered the relationship from both sides. A mother loves her son, wants his time and attention and is passionate in her desire for him to have what’s best for…

Posted in Family and Relationships | By

Apr 27

April 27, 2015

I Can and I Will

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Posted in Choosing Happiness | By

Apr 25

April 25, 2015

We’ve Been Nominated!

I have been nominated for the Liebster award by Veronica Zubek, and I couldn’t be happier! For those of you who don’t know, the Liebster award is awarded to blogs who have less than 200 followers. The idea behind this award is to recognize new bloggers and help promote them!  Each nominee is given 11 questions they need to answer and then they promote 11 more blogs. Here are my answers: What do you blog about? Do you sell anything through your blog…

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Apr 21

April 21, 2015

Vacation Planning – Your Itinerary

Vacation Planning – Your Itinerary   Summer is just around the corner!  It’s time to start your vacation planning!  This is a sneak peak at my first ebook, “Vacation Planning, American Road Trips.”  I hope you enjoy!!  Watch for the release of  my very first ebook in late May or early June! My husband grew up in Washington and Oregon. His parents live in a Albany, Oregon about an hour and forty minutes from the beach town of Lincoln City,…

Posted in Family and Relationships | By

Apr 17

April 17, 2015

Bathrime Brouhaha

Bathtime Brouhaha!

 Bathtime Brouhaha!  Swoosh, Splish, Trickle, Drip, SPLASH! Almost all kids love bath time. I suspect most of those who don’t, have parents who are doing it wrong!  Even when you’re in a hurry, bathtime can be fun. It doesn’t need to take a long time (though I’ve had many a kid protest getting out of the tub when they had already played so long they’d nearly turned into a prune!). But, most of the time you should allow kids a few…

Posted in Happy, Healthy, Smart Kids! | By

Apr 16

April 16, 2015

This Makes It All Worthwhile!

This Makes It All Worthwhile!   Shopping for groceries on a Sunday afternoon, I turned down the ethnic foods aisle and happened upon one of my former students and his dad. His dad was on the phone and smiled and said, “Hi Lori, good to see you!” Nick came behind his dad and hadn’t noticed me until he heard his dad say hi. With a surprised voice Nick said, “Oh hey Ms Lori!” I greeted them both but didn’t stop…

Posted in Family and Relationships | By

Apr 15

April 15, 2015

Mother’s Day Calendar

Mother’s Day Traditions – Personalized Calendar My mom has been gone for over 20 years now and I miss her very much. My three older sisters and I go in together and purchase a great big bouquet of flowers and meet at the cemetery every Mother’s Day to remember our sweet mom. Since we can’t really buy any gifts for her other than that, we buy them for each other. We take them to the cemetery with us and exchange Mother’s…

Posted in Crafter's Corner, Family and Relationships | By

Apr 14

April 14, 2015

10 Healthy Snack Ideas

10 Healthy Snack Ideas 1.  Apple Slices with 1 Tbsp Peanut butter.  3 Weight Watcher’s Points . 2.  Almonds, 21 pieces.  3 Weight Watcher’s Points. 3.  Popcorn (100 calorie size bag) with flavor sprinkles.  3 Weight Watcher’s Points. 4.  1/2 Cup of Cottage Cheese with pineapple. 2 Weight Watcher’s Points. 5.  Applesauce with a Sprinkle of Cinnamon and 1 Graham Cracker. 2 Weight Watcher’s Points. 6.  Baby Carrots and Broccoli with 2 Tbsp of Lite Ranch. 2 Weight Watcher’s Points….

Posted in Healthy, Beautiful You!, Let's Eat! | By

Apr 13

April 13, 2015

Don’t Jump to Conclusions!

Don’t Jump to Conclusions! Jumping to conclusions can have devastating consequences! Opportunities can be missed, friendships can be lost and hopes and dreams can be crushed! Every individual has a very personal and unique set of life’s experiences, which develops their expectations in life and influence their reactions to things. Being the egocentric beings we humans are, we tend to operate on the assumption that everyone has the same life experiences, expectations and reactions that we do. Nothing could be…

Posted in Family and Relationships | By

Apr 9

April 9, 2015

Apr 8

April 8, 2015

Discipline Should Be Private

Discipline Should be Private Every once in awhile as I scroll through my Facebook feed I cringe because I’ve happened upon a parent publicly shaming their child. There for all their friends to see is a mandate from their parents that they’re grounded for the next two weeks! Imagine if you did something wrong at work and your boss announced it to everyone at a staff meeting, or sent everyone an office email detailing your indescretion. Most likely you would…

Posted in Happy, Healthy, Smart Kids! | By

Apr 7

April 7, 2015

Staying Hydrated is Essential to Good Health!

Stay Hydrated – Drink Water! Staying Hydrated is very important, because every part of our bodies depends upon water to function properly. How much water should you drink each day? With a quick survey of Internet sites devoted to the topic of good health you’ll quickly learn the new recommendation is to take your weight, divide it in half and drink that many ounces of water per day. According to the following is a list of the Symptoms of…

Posted in Healthy, Beautiful You! | By

Apr 5

April 5, 2015

Frying Sparrow Eggs

Frying Sparrow Eggs As a little girl growing up, my cousin Charlie and I were the best of friends. We lived just a block apart and we rode bikes together, built tents, caught grasshoppers, and ran through the sprinklers! And one day we fried sparrow eggs! My daddy’s yard was beautiful and had lots of trees in it. The sparrows loved all those trees and they would build their nests in them, lay eggs and raise their young. This particular…

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Apr 2

April 2, 2015

April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day!

April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day!

April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day! This guest post is by Autism Speaks staffer Kerry Magro, a national speaker and best-selling author who is on the autism spectrum. Kerry will be a guest on Autism Live today to discuss the Light It Up Please like & share:

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