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The Ultimate List of 101 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids!

December 6, 2016|Posted in: Holidays and Seasons

101 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids!

101 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids!

Wondering what to put in the kiddos’ stockings this Christmas?  Well here it is, the Ultimate List of 101 gifts that the kids on your list will LOVE to receive in their Christmas Stockings!

101 Stocking Stuffers for Kids

  1. Candy
  2. Bubble Gum
  3. Mints
  4. Lip Balm
  5. Nail Polish
  6. Gift Card
  7. Socks
  8. Gloves
  9. Necklace
  10. Fun Soaps
  11. Sticky Notepads in Fun Shapes
  12. Colorful Pens
  13. Markers
  14. Mechanical Pencils
  15. Flashlight
  16. Apple
  17. Orange
  18. Pomegranate
  19. Comb/Brush
  20. Watch
  21. Hand Sanitizer
  22. Head Bands
  23. Hair Clips
  24. Ball Cap
  25. Beanie
  26. Earrings
  27. Bracelet
  28. Christmas Ornament
  29. Music CD
  30. DVD
  31. Rings
  32. Playing Cards
  33. Movie/Performance Tickets
  34. Game/Sporting Event Tickets
  35. Hand Lotion
  36. Bubble Bath
  37. Play Makeup or Shaving Kit
  38. Paperback Book
  39. Magazine
  40. Wallet
  41. Change Purse
  42. Cookies
  43. Peanuts
  44. Jerky
  45. Scarf
  46. Notebook
  47. Sunglasses
  48. Coloring Book
  49. Colored Pencils
  50. Shoe Laces
  51. Puzzle Book
  52. Figurine
  53. Bookmark
  54. Trinket Box
  55. Money
  56. Note
  57. Soda/Water Bottle
  58. Bath Scrubbie
  59. Hot Chocolate Packet
  60. Popcorn Packet
  61. Mug
  62. Picture
  63. Small Calendar
  64. Bath Bomb
  65. Bubbles
  66. Play Dough
  67. Glow Sticks
  68. Hot Wheels Cars
  69. Lego Kits
  70. Plastic Animals
  71. Stuffed Animals
  72. Puzzle
  73. Balloons
  74. Silly String
  75. Slinky
  76. Silly Putty
  77. Toy Soldiers
  78. Dolls
  79. Tooth Brush
  80. Blocks
  81. Toy Dishes
  82. Stickers
  83. Crayons
  84. Balls
  85. Kaleidoscope
  86. Jacks
  87. Marbles
  88. Paddle Ball
  89. Checkers
  90. Cap Gun
  91. Slippers
  92. Harmonica
  93. Whistle
  94. Crazy Straw
  95. Yo-yo
  96. Train
  97. Super Heros
  98. Dinosaurs
  99. Comic Book
  100. Pencil Box
  101. Finger Paints



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