Viewing: Blessed
November 22, 2016

For These Things, I am Truly Grateful!
Many people use the month of November to post each day something they are thankful for. My “thankful” list could be broken down to cover the 30 days of November and then some! On top of that, I have multitude of blessing that I’m sure aren’t covered here, though I did try to make my categories broad enough to cover almost everything. So here it is – My annual Thankful List, with a few minor tweeks, just as relevant today as it…
Posted in Choosing Happiness, Family and Relationships | By LoriGraceH
November 16, 2016

How to Write a Thanksgiving Prayer
Thanksgiving Day is a time to reflect with gratitude upon all of our many blessings.. We can do that privately in our own hearts and minds. We can do it together as a group by sharing our blessings with one another. Traditionally though, Thanksgiving has been a time to offer a prayer of thanksgiving. In my life I’ve known countless good people, some of whom could comfortably offer up a prayer with ease and eloquence and many others who, though…
Posted in Holidays and Seasons | By LoriGraceH
November 18, 2015

Blessed Beyond Measure
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Posted in Choosing Happiness, Holidays and Seasons | By LoriGraceH