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Viewing: Sister

Feb 24

February 24, 2016

Boy or Girl – A Blessing Either Way!

In seven days we get to find out the gender of grandbaby #5!  Well, Mommy and Daddy and Gramma (me) do!  The rest of the family has to wait five days until the gender revel party.  Grandpa and one Auntie have threatened me with torture if I don’t tell them!  Somehow I’ll find the strength to keep the secret! Currently I have three grandsons and one granddaughter.  G1 and G3 (the granddaughter) live three hours away from me so I…

Posted in Family and Relationships, Uncategorized | By

Apr 5

April 5, 2015

Frying Sparrow Eggs

Frying Sparrow Eggs As a little girl growing up, my cousin Charlie and I were the best of friends. We lived just a block apart and we rode bikes together, built tents, caught grasshoppers, and ran through the sprinklers! And one day we fried sparrow eggs! My daddy’s yard was beautiful and had lots of trees in it. The sparrows loved all those trees and they would build their nests in them, lay eggs and raise their young. This particular…

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