Viewing: Love
November 22, 2016
For These Things, I am Truly Grateful!
Many people use the month of November to post each day something they are thankful for. My “thankful” list could be broken down to cover the 30 days of November and then some! On top of that, I have multitude of blessing that I’m sure aren’t covered here, though I did try to make my categories broad enough to cover almost everything. So here it is – My annual Thankful List, with a few minor tweeks, just as relevant today as it…
Posted in Choosing Happiness, Family and Relationships | By LoriGraceH
August 27, 2015
Remembering Our Boys’ Bio Parents
When our girls were 11 and 12, we adopted two brothers who were 13 and 14 at the time. The boys had lost their mom when they were just babies and their dad about three years before. One of the priorities I had at that time was to help the boys have fond memories and feelings about their family. I wanted to make sure they felt like we were an addition to their family, not a replacement. (They still have…
Posted in Family and Relationships, Uncategorized | By LoriGraceH
August 12, 2015
Family Rises Above
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Posted in Choosing Happiness, Family and Relationships | By LoriGraceH
July 3, 2015
True Love
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Posted in Choosing Happiness, Family and Relationships | By LoriGraceH
June 18, 2015
Never Take for Granted
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Posted in Choosing Happiness, Family and Relationships | By LoriGraceH
June 1, 2015
The Big Black Rocking Chair
When I was a very little girl, my family had a big black rocking chair in our living room. I don’t remember much about any of the other furniture in our living room from way back then, but I remember that big black rocking chair very well. When I had a hard time falling asleep my daddy would rock me in that rocking chair and sing songs to me. He would sing Rock-a-Bye Baby, I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf…
Posted in Family and Relationships | By LoriGraceH