Viewing: Assume the Best
December 26, 2016

Living Joyfully in the New Year!
Six Tips to Help You Live More Joyfully in 2017 Life is a series of events, good and bad. My journey has had its share of both. Through it all, I’ve learned a lot about being happy. If you think about it, bad only exists because of good. It’s the absence of good that makes something bad. But, rarely, if ever, is there a total absence of good. We need to train ourselves to find and focus on what is…
Posted in Choosing Happiness | By LoriGraceH
December 29, 2015

Choose Happiness – Six Tips!
Six Tips to Choose to Be Happy Life is a series of events, good and bad. My journey has had its share of both. Through it all, I’ve learned a lot about being happy. If you think about it, bad only exists because of good. It’s the absence of good that makes something bad. But, rarely, if ever, is there a total absence of good. We need to train ourselves to find and focus on what is good, even when…
Posted in Choosing Happiness | By LoriGraceH